Pet Cooling Scarf

This product is special for the cat & dog. Do not use it outdoors just use in house....

  • Size: 105*5cm/78*26cm/100*30cm/120*31cm
  • Weight: 20g/30g/45g/55g
  • Material: TC+Polyester
  • Phase Change Temperature: +5℃,0℃,-10℃,-25℃

1. Put the middle part of the neck tie into water for 3-5 minutes. If inner material flows, use your hand to make it even.
2. Use towel to absorb extra water. Do not screw it too tight, it may damage the product.
3. Put it on forehead, neck, wrist, or other suitable position.
4. If it is not cool enough, please use the other side or put into water again. Do not freeze.
1. Convenient: Just put it in water and then you can enjoy the long-lasting coolness.
2. The inner macromolecule can absorb large amount of water and it will lower down temperature of human body when the water vaporize.
1. For fever, headache, avoid heat stroke.
2. Keep you cool during a workout, exercise, climb, or any strenuous activity.
Weight (g) Size (cm) Material
20 105*5 TC
30 78*26 Polyester
45 100*30 Polyester
55 120*31 Polyester

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